Although I have successfully added the RIIIF gem to the DRI application, it occurred to me
that I should try out Loris as an alternative image server. First step is to install it
on one of our Ubuntu VM 14.04 hosts. Here are the steps I followed, which are mostly a slightly updated
version of those given here.
Install the dependencies:
Install Kakadu:
Check Kakadu installation:
Now get the Loris source code from Github, add a Loris user and run the setup script.
Deploy with Apache:
Add the following to the default Apache site (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf):
After starting Apache you should be able to browse to http://<host>/loris.
To test that everything is working OK, copy the test images to the image source root:
You should now be able to browse to the following URLs: