Loris Installation

Although I have successfully added the RIIIF gem to the DRI application, it occurred to me that I should try out Loris as an alternative image server. First step is to install it on one of our Ubuntu VM 14.04 hosts. Here are the steps I followed, which are mostly a slightly updated version of those given here.

Install the dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-turbo8-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
  liblcms2-dev liblcms-utils libtiff5-dev python-dev python-imaging
  libwebp-dev apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
$ apt-get install python-pip
$ pip install Werkzeug

Install Kakadu:

$ wget http://kakadusoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/KDU78_Demo_Apps_for_Linux-x86-64_160226.zip
$ apt-get install unzip
$ unzip KDU78_Demo_Apps_for_Linux-x86-64_160226.zip
$ cp KDU78_Demo_Apps_for_Linux-x86-64_160226/libkdu_v78R.so \
$ cp KDU78_Demo_Apps_for_Linux-x86-64_160226/kdu_expand \

Check Kakadu installation:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
$ /usr/local/bin/kdu_expand -v
This is Kakadu's "kdu_expand" application.
    Compiled against the Kakadu core system, version v7.8
    Current core system version is v7.8

Now get the Loris source code from Github, add a Loris user and run the setup script.

$ git clone https://github.com/loris-imageserver/loris
$ cd loris
$ useradd -d /var/www/loris2 -s /sbin/false loris
$ ./setup.py install

Deploy with Apache:

$ a2enmod headers expires
$ a2ensite 000-default.conf

Add the following to the default Apache site (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf):

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 5184000 seconds"

AllowEncodedSlashes On

WSGIDaemonProcess loris2 user=loris group=loris processes=10 threads=15 maximum-requests=10000
WSGIScriptAlias /loris /var/www/loris2/loris2.wsgi
WSGIProcessGroup loris2

After starting Apache you should be able to browse to http://<host>/loris.

To test that everything is working OK, copy the test images to the image source root:

$ mkdir /usr/local/share/images
$ cp -R tests/img/* /usr/local/share/images/

You should now be able to browse to the following URLs:

http://<host>/loris/01/02/0001.jp2/full/full/0/default.jpg http://<host>/loris/01/03/0001.jpg/full/full/0/default.jpg http://<host>/loris/01/04/0001.tif/full/full/0/default.jpg